
發(fā)布時(shí)間: 2024-07-25
  1.2024年基礎四國氣候變化部長(cháng)級會(huì )議于2024年7月21日在中國湖北省武漢市舉行。會(huì )議由中國生態(tài)環(huán)境部部長(cháng)黃潤秋先生擔任主席,南非森林、漁業(yè)和環(huán)境部部長(cháng)迪翁·喬治博士,巴西氣候變化副部長(cháng)安娜·托尼博士代表巴西環(huán)境和氣候變化部部長(cháng)瑪麗娜·席爾瓦女士,印度環(huán)境、森林和氣候變化部聯(lián)合秘書(shū)尼萊什·庫馬爾·薩先生代表印度環(huán)境、森林和氣候變化部部長(cháng)布潘德?tīng)枴嗊_夫先生出席,中國生態(tài)環(huán)境部副部長(cháng)趙英民先生主持會(huì )議。
  4.在此背景下,部長(cháng)們歡迎“阿聯(lián)酋共識”,包括《公約》第28次締約方大會(huì )(COP28)通過(guò)的《巴黎協(xié)定》首次全球盤(pán)點(diǎn)的成功成果。這一成果體現了締約方?jīng)Q心保持團結努力實(shí)現協(xié)定宗旨和長(cháng)期目標,并強調需要緊急行動(dòng)和支持以使巴黎溫度目標可及并在這個(gè)關(guān)鍵十年應對氣候危機。他們表示支持“三駕馬車(chē)”伙伴關(guān)系,并堅定不移地致力于通過(guò)公開(kāi)、透明、包容、締約方驅動(dòng)和協(xié)商一致的進(jìn)程,在COP29和COP30上取得成功成果。
  5.部長(cháng)們承諾全力支持候任主席國阿塞拜疆,并期待與所有其他締約方共同努力,使巴庫大會(huì )取得成功。他們強調,COP29的主要成果是設定由發(fā)達國家流向發(fā)展中國家的氣候資金新集體量化目標(NCQG),該目標將是發(fā)展中國家在2025年通報有雄心的國家自主貢獻(NDC)和這十年強化氣候實(shí)施的關(guān)鍵推動(dòng)力。部長(cháng)們主張新目標必須推動(dòng)解決氣候資金定義的未決問(wèn)題,必須符合《公約》及其《巴黎協(xié)定》中氣候資金的定義,即發(fā)達國家有義務(wù)向發(fā)展中國家提供新的、額外的氣候資金支持,同時(shí)提供詳細的透明度安排,以促進(jìn)責任感、信任,并便于跟蹤實(shí)現目標數額的集體進(jìn)展。部長(cháng)們對發(fā)達國家試圖通過(guò)建議擴大出資者范圍淡化自身在國際法下的氣候資金法律義務(wù)表示嚴重關(guān)切,這將使談判努力偏離氣候行動(dòng)和力度核心問(wèn)題。基于發(fā)達國家落實(shí)公共資金贈款支持,部長(cháng)們期待NCQG金額應當從每年以十億美元為單位的量級增至數萬(wàn)億級美元。
  9.部長(cháng)們重申將以國家自主決定的方式,按照《巴黎協(xié)定》原則和條款,提交其下一輪NDC的承諾。他們鼓勵各國積極響應“阿聯(lián)酋共識”成果。他們強調NDC應成為實(shí)現可持續發(fā)展目標的工具,并促進(jìn)減輕國內和國家間不平等。部長(cháng)們強調,政府間氣候變化專(zhuān)門(mén)委員會(huì )(IPCC)第六次評估報告提出,歷史排放量和世界碳空間利用并不公平,較其在全球人口中占比份額,發(fā)達國家歷史排放量更多。他們認同公平的減排行動(dòng)必須以歷史責任、氣候正義、公正轉型,以及保護、維護和恢復生態(tài)系統需求為指導。
  14.部長(cháng)們歡迎“阿聯(lián)酋共識”關(guān)于公正轉型路徑內容,這為全經(jīng)濟和全社會(huì )公正轉型實(shí)現可持續發(fā)展描繪了愿景,不讓任何國家和任何個(gè)體掉隊。要實(shí)現這種包容性和整體性方式,需要從國際、國內兩個(gè)維度確保氣候正義,重點(diǎn)是在可持續發(fā)展并解決貧困、饑餓、國內和國家間不平等框架下,為發(fā)展中國家提供實(shí)施手段。
  17.部長(cháng)們譴責一切形式的單邊主義和保護主義;重申為應對氣候變化采取的措施,包括單邊措施,不應成為對國際貿易任意或無(wú)理的歧視手段或者隱蔽限制;敦促?lài)H社會(huì )團結合作應對氣候變化;并重申加強和深化基礎四國在氣候行動(dòng)與合作方面領(lǐng)導力及共同努力。部長(cháng)們反對一些發(fā)達國家以氣候行動(dòng)為借口推行歧視性、不公正的“碳邊境調節機制”,并決心共同努力確保發(fā)展中國家不受這些破壞多邊主義、威脅可持續發(fā)展單邊措施的不利影響。部長(cháng)們呼吁發(fā)達國家終止扭曲貿易的補貼,包括針對農業(yè)、森林和能源行業(yè)補貼,這些補貼對發(fā)展中國家可持續發(fā)展造成不利影響。
  18.部長(cháng)們指出,發(fā)展中國家提供了絕大多數關(guān)鍵礦產(chǎn)和稀土,這些資源對于現代經(jīng)濟各方面都至關(guān)重要,包括向可再生能源轉型,并強調通過(guò)源頭選礦和創(chuàng )造當地價(jià)值鏈,使這些自然資源造福當地人民的重要性。部長(cháng)們承諾共同努力確保可持續、負責任和公正的關(guān)鍵礦產(chǎn)價(jià)值鏈。
  巴西將氣候變化重新定位為最優(yōu)先事項,同時(shí)努力消除饑餓、貧困和不平等。巴西堅定致力于加強多邊主義和全球氣候治理。2024年從基礎四國伙伴印度的手中接棒擔任二十國集團(G20)主席國,以“建設一個(gè)公正的世界和可持續星球”為主題,建立了G20年度工作框架,將氣候變化解決方案納入前期鋪墊活動(dòng)和金融軌道。明年巴西將把G20主席轉交給基礎四國的另一個(gè)伙伴南非。除了環(huán)境和氣候可持續工作組外,巴西還提議成立“全球動(dòng)員應對氣候變化工作組”,以重新調整氣候行動(dòng)和資金,尋求結構性解決方案。該工作組首次將外交部、財政部、氣候部以及中央銀行聚集在一起。作為COP30候任主席,巴西一直在與COP28和COP29主席合作推進(jìn)“1.5使命路線(xiàn)圖”。2023年11月,巴西調整了其2030年NDC,將其減排目標提高到比2005年減排53%。自盧拉總統上任以來(lái),巴西一直致力于“零森林砍伐”,同時(shí)重新啟動(dòng)了亞馬遜基金及《預防和控制法定亞馬遜和塞拉多地區森林砍伐行動(dòng)計劃》。2023年1月至12月,巴西實(shí)現了亞馬遜森林砍伐減少50%,2024年1月至5月進(jìn)一步減少了40.5%,僅這一項就避免約2.5億噸碳排放。最近的數據還顯示,2024年上半年塞拉多地區的森林砍伐也減少了15%。巴西正在更新《恢復原生植被國家計劃》,以期到2030年恢復至少1200萬(wàn)公頃的原生植被。在COP28上,巴西國家開(kāi)發(fā)銀行發(fā)起了“恢復之穹頂”倡議,為到2050年恢復2400萬(wàn)公頃亞馬遜森林提供資金。2023年8月,巴西政府還宣布了一項全經(jīng)濟范圍的“生態(tài)轉型計劃”,該計劃將強化巴西對未來(lái)經(jīng)濟增長(cháng)、社會(huì )包容和環(huán)境保護的愿景。在巴西氣候基金下,已發(fā)行了20億美元的綠色債券支持氣候行動(dòng),而2024年4月啟動(dòng)的“巴西生態(tài)投資”倡議旨在創(chuàng )造結構性條件,吸引外國私人投資實(shí)施生態(tài)轉型。在能源領(lǐng)域,可再生能源目前約占巴西能源供應總量的50%和電力供應的90%。2022—2023年,巴西發(fā)電裝機容量增長(cháng)9.4%,其中天然氣發(fā)電減少7.9%,燃油發(fā)電減少19.3%,火力發(fā)電呈明顯下降趨勢,同時(shí)太陽(yáng)能發(fā)電增長(cháng)68.1%,風(fēng)電增長(cháng)17.4%,這使得發(fā)電產(chǎn)生的溫室氣體排放在一年內減少了6%。
  印度堅信多邊主義,并積極幫助其他脆弱國家。印度啟動(dòng)了“韌性島國基礎設施”計劃,旨在促進(jìn)小島嶼發(fā)展中國家基礎設施資產(chǎn)的災害和氣候復原力。印度還在2019年發(fā)起了“抗災基礎設施聯(lián)盟”,以強化新建和現有基礎設施系統對氣候和災害風(fēng)險的抵御能力。印度于2015年發(fā)起了“國際太陽(yáng)能聯(lián)盟”,成為通過(guò)全球伙伴關(guān)系實(shí)施建設性全球氣候行動(dòng)的典范。“綠色電網(wǎng)倡議——同一太陽(yáng),同一世界,同一電網(wǎng)”也是印度于2021年發(fā)起的,是全球第一個(gè)互聯(lián)太陽(yáng)能電網(wǎng)的國際網(wǎng)絡(luò )。“全球綠色信貸倡議”由印度于2023年12月發(fā)起,旨在通過(guò)綠色信貸等各種倡議促進(jìn)全球合作與協(xié)作,實(shí)施和監測促進(jìn)環(huán)境向好的行動(dòng)。印度還與瑞典合作發(fā)起了“行業(yè)轉型領(lǐng)導小組”倡議,為難以實(shí)現溫室氣體減排的行業(yè)尋找創(chuàng )新解決方案,以促進(jìn)自愿的低碳轉型行動(dòng)。2024—2026年“行業(yè)轉型領(lǐng)導小組”第二階段于2023年12月啟動(dòng)。印度還發(fā)起了全球“環(huán)境友好生活方式”運動(dòng),以促進(jìn)注重環(huán)境意識的生活方式,重點(diǎn)是提高資源利用意識。2024年3月在肯尼亞內羅畢舉行的第六屆聯(lián)合國環(huán)境大會(huì )通過(guò)了印度提出的關(guān)于“促進(jìn)可持續生活方式”的決議。印度在2024年6月5日世界環(huán)境日之際發(fā)起了“以母親的名義種一棵樹(shù)”運動(dòng)。印度總理納倫德拉·莫迪呼吁全國人民以及全世界人民種植一棵樹(shù),向他們的母親致敬。
  南非已制定了具有廣泛影響的政策,以確保落實(shí)NDC目標。確保以公平和基于科學(xué)的方式應對氣候危機對于實(shí)現公正轉型至關(guān)重要,為此,南非正在資助一系列廣泛的研究、開(kāi)發(fā)和創(chuàng )新計劃和措施,包括:全球變化研究計劃及其相關(guān)項目和措施;海洋和南極戰略;南非風(fēng)險和脆弱性地圖集;水資源和廢棄物的研究、開(kāi)發(fā)和創(chuàng )新路線(xiàn)圖;生物經(jīng)濟戰略;土著(zhù)知識系統;太空子計劃下的地球觀(guān)測工作;氣候變化導致的多重災害預警系統;氫和燃料電池技術(shù)開(kāi)發(fā)(氫能社會(huì )路線(xiàn)圖);基于風(fēng)能和太陽(yáng)能地圖集詳細繪制的可再生能源資源圖;先進(jìn)電池(儲能)倡議;多個(gè)關(guān)于實(shí)現循環(huán)經(jīng)濟的計劃;以及水資源方面的重點(diǎn)研究。南非還制定了44個(gè)地區的氣候變化適應戰略,以推進(jìn)地方層面的適應計劃,并對旅游業(yè)、生物多樣性、海洋和海岸、采礦業(yè)、居住區等關(guān)鍵部門(mén)進(jìn)行風(fēng)險和脆弱性評估。此外,南非議會(huì )通過(guò)了《氣候變化法》,其中包括為大型排放公司分配碳預算。南非在2019年通過(guò)并持續實(shí)施《碳稅法》,財政部正在考慮在下一個(gè)五年期提高稅率。在“綜合資源計劃”的指導下,南非通過(guò)五期招標新增了6.2吉瓦的可再生能源裝機,重點(diǎn)實(shí)施以電動(dòng)汽車(chē)、電力和綠氫為要素的“公正能源轉型伙伴關(guān)系”。
  20.部長(cháng)們歡迎印度提議由其在印度主辦2028年《公約》第33次締約方大會(huì )和2025年基礎四國部長(cháng)級會(huì )議。
BASIC Ministerial Joint Statement on Climate Change
Wuhan China , July 21 2024
1. The 2024 BASIC Ministerial Meeting on Climate Change was held in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China on July 21 2024. The meeting was chaired by H.E. Mr. Huang Runqiu, Minister of Ecology and Environment of China, attended by H.E. Dr. Dion George, Minister of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment of South Africa; H.E. Dr. Ana Toni, Vice-Minister for Climate Change, on behalf of H.E Ms. Marina Silva, Minister of Environment and Climate Change of Brazil; and Mr. Neelesh Kumar Sah, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change on behalf of H.E. Mr. Bhupender Yadav, Minister for Environment, Forest and Climate Change of India, and moderated by H.E. Mr. Zhao Yingmin, Vice Minister of Ecology and Environment of China.
2. Ministers emphasize that climate change is one of the greatest challenges of our time. Despite the multiple crises including geopolitical tensions, global energy and food crises, inflation, growing hunger and inequalities, and disruptions to global supply-chains, Ministers confirmed their commitments to multilateralism and international cooperation towards low-carbon and climate-resilient development, in the context of eradication of poverty and sustainable development. 
3. Ministers underline the importance of a full, adequate, and effective implementation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and its Kyoto Protocol and Paris Agreement. They reaffirm the Paris Agreement temperature goal of holding the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels and pursuing efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, and reiterate it will be implemented in accordance with the principles of equity, common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities (CBDR-RC), in the light of different national circumstances. 
4.In this context, Ministers welcome the UAE Consensus, including the successful outcome of the first Global Stocktake of the Paris Agreement, adopted at COP28, which reaffirmed Parties’ resolve to remain united in the pursuit of efforts to achieve the purpose and long-term goals of the Agreement, while emphasizing the need for urgent action and support to keep the Paris temperature goal within reach and to address the climate crisis in this critical decade. They expressed their support to the Troika Partnership and their unwavering commitment towards the successful outcomes at COP29 and COP30 through an open, transparent, inclusive, Party-driven, and consensus-based process. 
5.Ministers pledge their full support to the incoming Azerbaijani Presidency and look forward to working with all other Parties towards a successful conference in Baku. They highlighted that the main outcome of COP29 will be to set the New Collective Quantified Goal (NCQG) on climate finance from developed to developing countries, as the key enabler for developing countries to communicate ambitious nationally determined contributions (NDCs) in 2025 and for enhanced climate implementation in this critical decade. Ministers defend that the new goal must advance on fulfilling outstanding gaps on the definition of climate finance, consistent with the definition of climate finance in the Convention and its Paris Agreement, which obliges developed countries to provide new and additional climate finance support to developing countries, whilst providing detailed transparency arrangements, in order to facilitate accountability, trust and the tracking of collective progress in delivering the quantum. Ministers express deep concerns around attempts by developed countries to dilute their climate finance legal obligations under international law through suggestions of broadening the contributor base, which could deviate negotiation efforts from core issues for climate action and ambition. Based on delivery of grant-based public-funded support by developed countries, Ministers indicated their expectation that the quantum of the NCQG should shift from billions to trillions of USD per year. 
6.Ministers demonstrate their expectations that a successful COP29 will build on COP28 to pave the way for ambitious outcomes by COP30. They welcome and commend Brazil’s leadership to host and preside COP30 in 2025. 
7.To break inertia in climate action, Ministers reiterated their agreement to strengthen BASIC leadership, by further implementing their new vision on cooperation among BASIC from COP28 to COP30 and beyond that encompasses: firstly, enhancing BASIC coordination on the international climate change agenda, with a focus on the multilateral climate regime under UNFCCC; secondly, leveraging their countries scientific and academic dialogue; and, thirdly, expanding joint action and cooperation on sustainable development implementation and projects, in particular through the expansion of the role of the New Development Bank (NDB) in supporting sustainable development in the Global South.
8.Ministers welcome the Brazilian presidency of BRICS+ in 2025.  As fellow members of BRICS+, they highlight the key contribution of the NDB in scaling-up and accelerating climate action in developing countries. They praised the NDB for its steadfast support of over a billion USD to the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul following the recent extreme flooding of unprecedented proportions. They recognize this demonstrates the NDB’s unique position in speeding-up the reform of multilateral development banks towards providing bigger, better and bolder support to developing countries.  Ministers emphasize the important role that the NDB can play towards the fundamental reform of the international financial architecture to enable sustainable development and the different just transitions pathways of countries and be fit-for-purpose to implement ambitious and equitable climate actions.
9.Ministers reaffirm their commitment to submitting their next generation of NDCs under the Paris Agreement, in a nationally-determined manner and in accordance with the principles and provisions of the Paris Agreement. They encourage countries to respond positively to the outcomes of the UAE Consensus. They stress NDCs should serve as instruments towards the achievement of the sustainable development goals, while contributing to reducing inequalities within and among countries. Ministers underline that the historical emissions and the use of the world’s carbon space is not equitably distributed as assessed by the IPCC’s AR6, with developed countries emitting historically more emissions relative to their share of the global population. They recognize that equitable mitigation action must be guided by historical responsibilities, climate justice, just transitions, and the need to conserve, preserve and restore ecosystem .
10.Ministers express serious concern over pre-2020 gaps in both mitigation ambition and implementation by developed country Parties. They recall the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change had indicated that developed countries should have reduced emissions by 25–40 per cent below 1990 levels by 2020, which was not achieved. They note with grave concern developed countries’ inadequate 2030 and 2050 mitigation ambitions, as well as the backtracking and incoherence in their climate policies and action. Ministers urge developed countries to urgently close pre2020 mitigation gaps, to revisit and strengthen the 2030 targets in their NDCs, and to achieve net-zero GHG emissions significantly ahead of 2050, preferably by 2030, and net-negative GHG emissions immediately thereafter.  
11.Ministers urge developed countries to abide by their legal commitments on both mitigation and finance. They note the inconsistency of climate finance accounting by developed countries, which seriously jeopardizes trust and legal certainty. They express concern over the inadequate and insufficient support provided by developed countries so far and urge them to close the gap in their climate finance commitments of USD 100 billion in accordance with multilaterally-agreed climate finance definitions. 
12.In view of the urgency of the climate crisis, Ministers call on developed countries to recognize the failure to fulfill their commitments, and urge them to step up their efforts and fulfill their commitments on climate finance to provide and mobilize new and additional climate finance to developing countries in a timely and adequate manner, and take the lead in mitigation. They note the leadership void left by developed countries reinforces the urgency of strengthening multilateralism, and delivering obligations under the UNFCCC and its Paris Agreement. In the context of increased political uncertainty and divides, Ministers pledge to serve as a stabilizing force for the Global South in navigating the climate crisis in pursuit of sustainable development imperatives.
13.Ministers call for global solidarity in ensuring that no country, place nor individual is left behind. They reiterate that BASIC is willing and ready to genuinely contribute its best effort and cooperate with all countries in addressing climate change. They further reiterate BASIC strong determination to show solidarity towards the Global South. They reaffirm the commitment of BASIC, as developing countries, to the unity of Group of 77 and China, and highlighted the importance of cooperation among developing countries. They reaffirm their unequivocal support for the current Ugandan Presidency, with a view to consolidating the unity of the Group of 77 and China and advancing the common interests of developing countries.
14.Ministers welcome the UAE Consensus on Just Transition Pathways, which provides a vision for all-of-economy and all-of-society just transitions to achieve sustainable development, leaving no country nor individual behind. Both the international and national dimensions of climate justice need to be addressed to achieve this inclusive and holistic approach, with an emphasis on enabling means of implementation for developing countries, in the context of sustainable development and of efforts to tackle poverty, hunger and inequalities within and among countries. 
15.Ministers emphasized energy transitions should be carried out in a just, orderly and equitable manner, being nationally determined, and taking into account the different stages of development, national circumstances, pathways and approaches, including resource endowments, as well as the needs and challenges of developing countries. They note the call for global efforts to triple renewable energy capacity globally and double the global average annual rate of energy efficiency improvements by 2030, as part of the outcome of the first GST. In this context, they welcome that more than two-thirds of all wind and solar projects are being undertaken in developing countries, with BASIC countries demonstrating leadership in implementation driving down costs of climate-friendly technologies globally. They express concern that protectionist measures by some developed countries seriously threaten the global green transition. They highlight the double-standard of developed countries by calling their own economies competitive when exporting renewable energy and at the same time criticizing the success of BASIC countries. Ministers also note with concern that there has been a significant increase in the production and consumption of fossil fuels by developed countries in recent years, and call them to clearly show they are taking the lead in transitioning away from fossil fuels in energy systems.
16.Ministers underscore that developing countries are the most adversely affected by climate change and that adaptation is a key imperative though neglected with imbalanced allocation of resources compared to mitigation. They urge developed countries to increase multifold their collective provision of climate finance for adaptation to developing country Parties from 2019 levels by 2024, with a transparent roadmap to a 50:50 allocation of the NCQG on mitigation and adaptation, to be implemented from January 2026. Ministers welcome the Framework for Global Climate Resilience, including agreement on 11 targets that provide more granular targets to achieve the global goal on adaptation (GGA). The implementation of all actions towards these targets should be based on support provided by developed countries to developing countries in line with principles and provisions of the Convention and its Paris Agreement, in particular CBDR-RC, with public fund at its core, including to monitor and evaluate the adequacy and effectiveness of means of implementation support provided by developed countries to developing countries based on their priorities of adaptation. 
17.Ministers condemn all forms of unilateralism and protectionism; reiterate that measures taken to address climate change, including unilateral measures, should not constitute a means of arbitrary or unjustifiable discrimination or a disguised restriction on international trade; urge the international community to cooperate in a united front to combat climate change; and reiterate their pledge to strengthen and deepen BASIC leadership and joint work in climate action and cooperation. Ministers rejected as discriminatory and unjust the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanisms planned by some developed countries under the pretext of climate action and resolve to work together to ensure that developing countries are not adversely impacted by these unilateral measures that undermine multilateralism and threaten sustainable development. They call developed countries to end trade distorting subsidies, including for the agricultural, forest and energy sectors, which adversely impact on the sustainable development of developing countries.
18.Ministers note that developing countries provide most of the critical minerals and rare earths that are essential for all aspects of the modern economy, including the transition to renewable energy, and underscore the importance of these natural resources benefiting our people through beneficiation at source and creation of local value chains. They commit to working together to ensure sustainable, responsible and just value chains of critical minerals.
19.Ministers highlight that despite the enormous developmental challenges and pressures of poverty eradication at a time of global economic downturn and economic recovery, the BASIC countries continue to lead by example and are demonstrating their highest ambition on climate action, in the context of their overarching sustainable development imperatives:
Brazil has repositioned climate change as a topmost priority, alongside efforts to combat hunger, poverty and inequality. Deeply committed to strengthening multilateralism and global climate governance, Brazil has received the presidency of G20 from India, a BASIC peer, by framing the group’s work in 2024 under the theme “building a just world and a sustainable planet,” which incorporates climate change solutions across both the sherpa and finance tracks. Brazil will pass on the G20 to South Africa, also a BASIC partner. In addition to the Environment and Climate Sustainability Working Group, Brazil has proposed the Task-Force on Global Mobilization Against Climate Change (TF-CLIMA) for resetting action and finance towards structural solutions. TF-CLIMA brings together for the first time Foreign, Finance and Climate Ministries and central banks. As incoming president of COP30, Brazil has been working with the COP28 and COP29 presidencies to advance the Road Map to Mission 1.5. In November 2023, Brazil adjusted its 2030 NDC to enhance its emissions reduction ambition to 53% compared to 2005. To support the implementation of Brazil’s NDCs and National Adaptation Plan (NAP), the Inter-ministerial Committee on Climate Change (CIM), relaunched in 2023, is working around the National Climate Plan, to consolidate the national strategy together with 7 sectoral plans on climate mitigation and 16 plans on adaptation. Since President Lula took office, Brazil has committed to "zero deforestation," whilst also relaunching the Amazon Fund, the Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Deforestation in the Legal Amazon (PPCDAm) and in the Cerrado (PPCerrado). From January to December 2023, Brazil achieved a 50% reduction of deforestation in the Amazon, and a further reduction of 40.5% from January to May 2024, which alone have prevented around 250 million tons of carbon from being emitted. Recent data also show 15% reduction in deforestation in the Cerrado in the first semester of 2024. Brazil is updating its National Plan for the Recovery of Native Vegetation (PLANAVEG) for the recovery of at least 12 million hectares of native vegetation by 2030. At COP28, Brazil's National Development Bank (BNDES) launched the “Arc of Restoration” initiative for financing the recovery of 24 million hectares of Amazonian forest by 2050. In August 2023, the Brazilian government also announced an economy-wide "Ecological Transformation Plan," which consolidates the country's vision for a future of economic growth with social inclusion and environmental preservation. Under Brazil’s Climate Fund, 2 billion USD have been issued in green bonds to support climate action, while the “Eco Invest Brasil” initiative, launched in April 2024, aims at fostering structural conditions to attract foreign private investments for ecological transformation. In the energy sector, renewables currently represents around 50% of the country's total energy supply and 90% of its electricity supply. The installed electricity generation capacity in Brazil expanded by 9.4% between 2022 and 2023, with notable trends around a decrease in thermal generation from natural gas (-7.9%) and oil products (-19.3%), which was influenced by the increase in solar (+68.1%) and wind generation (+17.4%), resulting in a 6% reduction of GHG emissions from electricity generation in one year.
China is dedicated to implementing the national strategy of actively addressing climate change and committed to building a community with a shared future for humankind, aiming to peak its carbon emissions before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060. Since 2012, China has supported an economic growth of over 6% with an average annual energy consumption growth rate of 3%. The carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP have dropped by more than 35%, equivalent to a reduction of 1.4 billion tons of carbon dioxide emissions. By the end of 2023, China's installed capacity of renewable energy has historically surpassed that of coal power, with domestic renewable energy installations accounting for about 40% of the global total and more than 50% of the global new installations. The installed capacities of hydropower, wind power, solar power, biomass power, and nuclear power under construction all rank first in the world. China's manufacturing has led to a cumulative decrease of over 60% and 80% in the average costs of global wind and photovoltaic power generation, respectively, over the past decade. China's new energy vehicle ownership accounts for more than half of the global total. In 2023, the proportion of coal consumption in China decreased by 13.2 percentage compared to 2012, and China has recently initiated the low-carbon transformation of coal power. Additionally, China has established the world’s largest carbon market in terms of the volume of GHG emissions covered, and formulated the Methane Emission Control Action Plan and the National Climate Change Adaptation Strategy 2035. For 30 consecutive years, China's forest coverage and stock volume have both seen continuous growth, making it the country with the fastest and most significant increase in forest resources worldwide. At the same time, China is doing its utmost to promote South-South cooperation on climate change, including training more than 2,400 climate change officials and technical professionals from over 120 developing countries.
India has taken strong, ambitious and decisive climate actions, while making poverty alleviation and sustainable development its priorities. India has reduced the emissions intensity of its GDP by 33% in 2019. Thereby, achieving its original NDC target of 2015, 9 years ahead of time as of 30th June 2023, and continues to now fulfil its updated commitment of emission intensity reduction by 45% by 2030. India continues to lead by example with several robust steps in renewable energy, planned urban development, sustainable habitats, creation of carbon sinks through additional forest and tree cover, transition to sustainable transport, e-mobility, etc. India's non-fossil fuel based installed capacity stands at more than 201.75 GW as of May 2024 which is 45.36% of its total installed capacity. India has created 1.97 billion tons additional sinks by 2021. These steps have led to steady fulfillment of India's NDC goals of 2030. India stands 4th, globally, in RE Installed Capacity (including Large Hydro), 4th in Wind Power capacity and 4th in Solar Power capacity. India is always a part of the solution and plays an affirmative role towards fighting climate change. India firmly believes in multilateralism and has been proactive in helping other vulnerable Nations. India launched the ‘Infrastructure for Resilient Island States (IRIS)’ that promotes disaster and climate resilience of infrastructure assets in Small Island Developing States. India also launched the Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (CDRI) in 2019 to promote resilience of new and existing infrastructure systems to climate and disaster risk. India launched the International Solar Alliance in 2015, as a prime example of constructive global climate action through global partnership. The Green Grids Initiative - One Sun, One World One Grid (GGI-OSOWOG) was also launched by India in 2021, as the first international network of global interconnected solar power grids. Global Green Credit Initiative was launched by India in December, 2023 to promote global cooperation and collaboration and implementation and monitoring of environment-positive actions through various initiatives like Green Credits. India has also partnered with Sweden on the Leadership Group on Industry Transition (LeadIT) initiative to find innovative solutions for hard-to-abate sectors with a view to promoting voluntary action for low carbon transition. Phase-II of the Leadership Group for Industry Transition (LeadIT 2.0) for 2024-26 was launched in December, 2023. India has also launched the global “Lifestyle for Environment” campaign to promote environmentally conscious lifestyle focusing on mindful and deliberate utilization of resources. Resolution on ‘Promoting Sustainable Lifestyles’, proposed by India, was adopted at the sixth United Nations Environment Assembly, held in Nairobi, Kenya in March 2024. India has launched the 'Ek Ped Maa Ke Naam' (One tree in the name of mother) campaign on the occasion of World Environment Day on 5th June 2024. Prime Minister Narendra Modi urged the people of the country as well as the world to plant a tree as a tribute to their mother.
South Africa has approved wide-reaching policies to ensure that we can meet its NDC targets. To ensure an equitable and science-based response to the climate crisis, which is centrally important to just transition, it is funding a wide range of research, development and innovation (RDI) programmes and interventions. These include the Global Change Research Plan (GCRP) and its associated programmes and interventions; a Marine and Antarctic Strategy; the South African Risk and Vulnerability Atlas (SARVA); Water and Waste RDI Roadmaps; the Bio-economy Strategy; Indigenous Knowledge Systems (IKS); Earth Observation work under the Space Sub-Programme; work on a climate-driven multi-hazard early warning system; the hydrogen and fuel cell technology development process (Hydrogen Society Roadmap), detailed mapping of renewable energy resources, via wind and solar atlases the advanced batteries (energy storage) initiative, and multiple programmes on moving towards a circular economy, and finally a strong research focus on water resources. It has also developed the 44 Districts Climate Change Adaptation Strategies to advance adaptation planning at the local level as well as the risk and vulnerability assessments for key sectors, Tourism, Biodiversity, Ocean and Coasts, Mining, Human Settlements. In addition, parliament has adopted the Climate Change Bill including allocation of carbon budgets for large emitting companies. A carbon tax has been implemented since 2019 when the Carbon Tax Act was passed. National Treasury is considering a higher tax rate for the next five-year period. Guided by its Integrated Resource Plan (IRP), South Africa has installed 6.2 GW of new renewable energy through five bid windows, and we are preparing to ramp up the next bid window significantly. The main focus is the implementation of the Just Energy Transition Investment Plan that focus on electric vehicle, electricity and green hydrogen
20.Ministers welcomed the proposals of India to host UNFCCC COP33 in the year 2028 and the BASIC Ministerial Meeting in the year 2025 in India. 

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